The following MIT community members have been recognized for going the extra mile. Thank someone today.
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Stefan Helmreich, Anthropology Head, and Chris Walley and Graham Jones, Anthropology Professors
Thank you Stefan for keeping the entire department (including TAs) abreast of ongoing policy developments at MIT due to COVID-19—updates are timely and relevant but also include encouraging notes in a very uncertain moment. Thanks also to Chris and Graham for their ongoing advocacy for students, especially for the most vulnerable undergraduates among us. And thanks as well to everyone else in the department working behind the scenes to keep things running!
Timothy Loh, HASTS
Thank you for the professional, understanding, and quick response to keep everyone safe. What a great community my son is part of. Thank so much.
Thank you for the professional, understanding, and quick response to keep everyone safe. What a great community my son is part of. Thank so much.
Kari , parent
Building 46 Admin Staff & Graduate Students
McGovern, Picower, and BCS HQ teams, along with many other staff and students in building 46 have come together as a GREAT team to ensure our [unexpectedly virtual] graduate student interview weekend was a success in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Very lucky to be part of this team!!
Kate White, Brain & Cognitive Sciences
Suzy Nelson
Thank you for sitting in on countless meetings with undergraduates and fielding our questions during this time.
Lindsey Bjornstad
Baker Exec
Thanks for working through the night to secure storage options for residents! You all rock!
Lindsey Bjornstad
BCS Academic Team and AO
BCS interview weekend was last week. It went from in-person interviews and events to all remote on just a few days notice. The whole team pulled together and did and AMAZING job. Specail Shout out to Julianne Gale Ormerod, Sierra Vallin & Kate White.
Jamie Wiley, BCS HQ
Nico Salinas
Thank you Nico for all you did for the IFC community. You showed amazing lesdership skills, and remained calm, collected and confident in the face of a huge challenge. Your actions directly helped over a thousand people and I could not be more proud to call you president. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous, IFC
Julianne Ormerod
WIth four days notice Julianne was notified that our multiday in person interview weekend for 75 interviewees would now be virtualized. Julianne did an amazing job of not only making this possible but making it an event that our interviewees gave wonderful feedback on. She went above an beyond to make sure they had as much of the in person experience as they could virtualized.
Sierra Vallin, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Christian Williams
You showed true leadership these past few days. Thank you so much for taking charge of a difficult situation and navigating our community through it. You should be proud of the poise and mature it’s you showed.
Anonymous, New House
Steve from Facilities
Steve has been working on the giant jigsaw puzzle known as our ceiling repair for the last few days, following a flooding/steam event. He is doing a terrific job, and cleaning up really well, as well as keeping a good sense of humor which is appreciated in these times. Thanks Steve!
Janet Fischer, EECS
Professor Ryan Williams and his 6.045 TAs, Dylan and Brynmor
A group of us students were sitting in office hours when we received the news and immediately Ryan, Dylan, and Brynmor began thinking about the ways that they would accommodate and support us. They have been nothing but empathetic, kind, and human, all anyone can ask for in such uncertain times. On behalf of your 6.045 students, thank you for being so wonderful. See you on Zoom!
Dr. Rebecca Osgood
Thank you to Dr. Osgood, the Medical Department Laboratory's Medical Director, for her guidance in COVID-19 testing protocols and best practices.
Jane Sylvester, Medical
Myron Freeman "Fletch"
I really appreciate the efforts that Fletch has made to keep us in EECS administration connected remotely, during the past week or so. Personally, I think he has spent about three hours with me, and has been patient with my concerns and frustrations! Thanks Fletch!
Janet Fischer, EECS
Cameron Cler
From the moment that my life shattered into pieces, Cameron was there for our entire floor. She immediately reached out in support offering help, and was always out and around the floor for the next few days, making sure we all had plans and were going to be ok. She made sure we were fed, hung out with us, and was generally a source of stability throughout the chaos. Cameron has been a force for good, and her support got me through one of the hardest times of my life.
Annie Snyder, Burton 3rd
Simmons Hall Staff and GRAs
Everyone at Simmons Hall from the dining, security, and janitorial staff to the various GRAs and Heads/Assistant Heads if House have been absolutely wonderful in helping us all transition from MIT back to home. I really appreciate all the work that they’ve done to help us cope and pack up.
Juliana Drozd
Juliana worked with various faculty, alumni, and community members to put together numerous spreadsheets full of resources for MIT undergrads, including storage, housing, travel, and financial assistance. Every time I saw her following the announcement that undergrads would need to leave, she checked in to make sure that I had somewhere safe to go and reminded me of all the resources available.
Residential Housing: Operations and Assignments Team
Housing Operations and Assignments team you have been amazing! Mobilizing a move-out process in a very shot period of time, pivoting daily to meet the needs of the students, and a dedication to the needs of others before yourself.
Night Watch, Housekeepers, Mechanics thank you all for being so amazing and for your dedication to the MIT community!
You are truly living up to "We are here for the students"!!!!!
Night Watch, Housekeepers, Mechanics thank you all for being so amazing and for your dedication to the MIT community!
You are truly living up to "We are here for the students"!!!!!
Richard Hilton, Housing & Residential Services
McCormick leadership
Thank you so much for all the support you have given to all McCormick residents during this difficult time
COVID-19 Exception Review Team
I was one of the students who were not sure of what to do next or where to go after the sudden announcement that the institute was going to close. I anxiously waited for your response on whether I'd be allowed to stay on campus and what arrangements I had to make. The response eventually came in and I relaxed. It must have been very hectic and tiring for you dealing with more than 700 hundred applications and appeals over a span of 3 days. Thank you for all your work and I hope that sometime in the coming few days, you too will manage to get some time to relax.
DSL, especially the CARE TEAM
I'm so proud to know and to receive all of the ways you lead with courage and compassion on behalf of our students. Wow, wow, wow! I would trust your version of a Noah's Ark any day!
Sandy Alexandre, Literature Department and East Campus
Rafael Reif
President Reif, thank you for your clear and thoughtful communication during this time.
Andrew Radin, MIT Alum
Vimala Palaniswamy, Ingrid Toppelberg, Anine Ward, and the MIT Bootcamps Team
Thank you for taking decisive action to address the MIT/HMS Healthcare Bootcamp in the context of coronavirus. In this dynamic time, I appreciate decisive action so that people can plan and prepare. Keep up the good work.
Andrew Radin, MIT Bootcamp Coach
Thank you to the larger muslim student community on campus for the combined display of strength and unity during these challenging times! In particular, as a senior I want to forever remember the love and support I have felt my last few days at MIT.
Jeba Sania
Tim Gutterman
Tim Gutterman is the newly elected president of my fraternity, and was an immense help during the past week, helping to facilitate brother move outs, helping brothers with no safe home to go to find lodging, communicating with our alumni board about protocol during this time, all while moving out himself. All of the brothers are immensely grateful for his aid during this troubling time.
Sergio Cuadra
Next Exec and Faraz Masroor
Going above and beyond as the house government body and Housing Chair to help Next House residents pack and maintain stability in changing times. That UHaul though!
John, Ellen, and Dr. Truffles Essigmann - house masters of Simmons Hall
Through the entire move out process, our house masters stayed calm, caring, supportive, and every bit as wonderful as they have been for all the time they have been at Simmons. I remember when my friends and I were rolling down the hallway playing music, Ellen looked at us and said “keep having fun!” I love them with all of my heart!
Raquel Garcia, Simmons Resident
Eden Medina, Cristian Medina, and Alexandria Clyburn
I promise you that--besides my own immediate family--these are the folks that I'd want as allies, helpers, and friends, in general, during the Zombie apocalypse. They know what community means, and they know what it takes to sustain it during times of crisis. Where would my morale be without them? Not to get all Ashford & Simpsony here, but these three are absolutely solid as a rock, and I am eternally grateful and immensely lucky for it!!!
Sandy Alexandre, East Campus
Coronavirus Tech Report
Thank you for providing a reliable source of information to share with friends and family.
Vicki Cairns, alum
Andrea Lo
Andrea is one of the co-musical directors of and my co-social chair of the MIT Asymptones a cappella group. As soon as she learned that we all needed to move out, she focused on setting up social events so that we could all be together for as much as possible before we all had to leave. It was sweet and brave of her to give her energy in this way while she too must have been stressed. All of us in the group appreciate it.
Raquel Garcia