Thank You to These Community Members

The following MIT community members have been recognized for going the extra mile. Thank someone today.
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Communication Staff at MIT

Regardless of the personal inconvenience to my son and our family, the university has done an exemplary job in communicating clearly, often, and with great precision. I have children in other institutions and can say that MIT's communication has been exceptional. Thank you
Becky Landy

Alumni and studens who have rallied to help each other

From the alumni effort to coordinate & distribute resources to the students (both grad and undergrad) who worked around the clock last week to support each other in ways both practical and emotional, as always I'm reminded that our students (current and former!) are amazing, caring people and we are lucky to have them.
T.L. Taylor, CMS/W

President Rafael Reif

For his clear communication of events and updating the entire MIT community on actions he and the MIT staff take with concern and compassion for students.
Charles Puccia

Arthur Grau, Professors Sheffi, Lo, and Pentland, and the MIT community

Thanks to the team that put together an important and very timely webinar to bring calm, practical, and expert guidance to us in this pandemic.

This webinar gave me tremendous comfort that together we can identify and address the challenges that this global pandemic has brought.

It has made so very proud to be an MIT alumni. Thank you.
Ted Schadler, MIT Sloan MOT Program, S.M 1996

Mary Callahan

Mary worked tirelessly day and night over the last ten days or so on the academic continuity plan for our students. Without her efforts we would not even be able to contemplate continuing this semester in any way, shape or form.
Peter Hayes, Registrar's Office

Karrie Peterson

Thank you , Karrie, for your thoughtful and generous offer of additional staff to help support the work to transition the Libraries collections to support remote learning and work.
Deborah Lenares, MIT Libraries


Thanks, HR, for giving us an opportunity to publicly express our gratitude for the many acts of caring and kindness that are making these weeks bearable.
Jane Abbott

Rob van der Hilst and Taylor Perron

Rob and Taylor have provided EAPS with a highly readable torrent of clear and current info. As importantly, they have conveyed it with caring and warmth, and a vivid appreciation for the pain and anxiety our staff and students are experiencing. A principle of communication theory is that every communication contains, in varying proportions, some component of information and some component that bears on relationship. In these difficult times, it's so important to package the crush of information together with the feeling of compassion and empathy. Thanks, Rob and Taylor.
Jane Abbott

Evelyn Wang

Thank you for your leadership during this difficult time and the extra time and effort you are putting in to help the students and faculty.
Ricci Sylla

Elias Bouquillon

Eli has been an incredible, ever-present help at Sloan -- even before Covid, but especially during. This week I've seen him absolutely everywhere, responding to every request almost instantly. Whether helping a small research group figure out hardware for its weekly meetings, hosting Zoom training after training, answering slack pings, getting a 130-person class up and running at a few days' notice... He has been kind, patient, creative, and wholly generous in getting the entire department prepared. I don't know how he manages to be anywhere and everywhere and eternally supportive. Thank you Eli!!
C, Sloan

Stan Wulf, SB65

For his decades of volunteer work for and support of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity house and the whole MIT fraternity system, especially during these past weeks.
David Moran, SB64, SM67

MIT AA staff

As we, and many other local clubs, have had to cancel events for which many of our members had already paid, has and will require a huge amount of work on the part of the MIT Alumni Association folks to communicate with and refund those payments quickly to our members, alleviating much anxiety.
Cape Cod Senior Citizen Alum, Cape Cod Alumni Club of Cape Cod

President L. Rafael Reif

I would like to thank President Reif for his supportive, comforting and uplifting message of 3/16/20 to the MIT community regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.
Hal Morgenstern, Architecture (1964-69)

McCormick Family

GRAs, Raul and Flavia, House Team, residents - thank you for the love and support you've given one another this past week. I'm lucky to have McCormick as my home away from home. To the seniors of McCormick, thank you for being such badass role models - we miss you already.
Elaine Pham

David Elwell, Associate Dean & Director of the International Students Office

David has gone above and beyond to meet the extremely high demands of our office during this time of uncertainty. Many thanks to him for his compassionate concern and his commitment to helping our international students.
Dana Riechman, OVC, ISO

Cedrick Boursiquot

I have watched my colleagues in the office juggling these past few weeks going out of our minds, myself included, but Cedrick has been in a class by himself just helping Student after student with a calming sense of humor, letting them know that he's got them,through all the tears and uncertainty, so with this note I would like to say thank you for being the rock that we all need Cedrick.
Antoinette Browne , International students office

Sloan Technology Services

Thank you to STS, and Zac Whitman especially, for taking time in the midst of implementing entirely new systems and protocols, to talk one-on-one with me about our class's situation and how to make the online learning experience the best for the students.
Crystal Myler, LFE

MIT Administration and MIT Sandbox Innovation

To the Administration - thank you for being a thought leader and sending students home. MIT, Harvard and Princeton were the first, which sent a message around the world to take this seriously. It showed MIT is truly a thought leader and leader in scientific research, regardless of politics or stock market repercussions.

Thank you to the MIT Sandbox team. With 400+ teams a semester, and the increased focus of innovation across ALL departments, I am sure that MIT will be a leader in helping to curb this pandemic when technology and innovation is required.
Maureen Stancik Boyce, PhD

Jennifer Weisman

Jennifer rose to the challenge of assisting our Course 5 students in all aspects during this challenging time. She handled everything from student housing concerns, course scheduling, and seniors needing to quickly accept their sudden departure from campus. Jennifer handled all of this with patience and care!

Analia Barrantes

Analia involved us in the decision making process as to how our 802 class should move forward and made us feel heard. She is always willing to sacrifice her time for us and we appreciate her!!
Mercy Oladipo

Jessica TranVo

Jessica joined MIT in August 2019 and is an AA2 in the Literature Section. Jessica always steps up to the plate to do what she can to help the Literature Section no matter what is happening. Literature only has two AA2's to support the entire DLC, and the other AA2 is currently on maternity leave. Jessica has been stepping in a great deal since her colleague went on leave, and has done so even more in this difficult time. Jessica has trained the majority of our faculty and instructional staff, many of whom are nervous and wary of online teaching, on how to use Zoom and last week was hosting in person and virtual "drop-in hours" for those who wanted or needed additional support. This week, she is working remotely and hosting multiple virtual drop-in sessions every day in order for our faculty and instructional staff to feel comfortable and confident as they work to move their classes online. Jessica has been incredibly helpful, informative and patient, all while maintaining a calm and positive demeanor in a very panicked time. Jessica is always deserving of recognition, but at this time is is even more deserving.
Alicia Mackin, Literature Section

Professor David Singer

David has been a great leader for the Political Science department as we face these new challenges. He accomplishes the difficult balance of keeping the department running and getting set up remotely with the empathy we all need at such a stressful time. Thank you David!d!
Scott Schnyer, Political Science

Claudia and Dave Darmofal

The Warehouse Heads of House worked so hard to keep everyone up to date on changes to policies and what steps students should take! Their quick responses and constant updates were much appreciated.

Sydney Solomon

Sydney, a PhD student and one of the BE grad board coordinators, has gone above and beyond helping the undergraduates and graduate students in the department during the covid-19 crisis. She has provided emotional support and helped tremendously with the undergraduate move out. She also collected nonperishables from undergraduates for graduate students without food security.
Krista Pullen, Biological Engineering


They are an amazing bunch of humans that care for all the living creatures that make our research possible. They are tirelessly working and I can not be more grateful to have them holding down the fort.
Morgan Fleishman

Sabine Iatridou

Quyanaqpak for continuing to work on syntax even as our lives change dramatically. Also, your understanding and support of my family's health and wellness makes this transition easier. Staying connected with our MIT community helps us all to stay positive. We remain grateful for our blessings--and you are one of them.
Annauk Olin, Linguistics

Rafael Reif

I would like to thank him for his taking the time to thanks us continually during this difficult time. The staffs hearts and thoughts have been with our students and to know that during such a precarious and difficult you are being so thoughtful is very rewarding. Please be well!
Valerie DiNardo, MTL

IT Team

The Mech E IST team did an outstanding job preparing all staff to work from home by quickly purchasing equipment that staff needed ahead of the official announcement. They also quickly setup online resources for both staff and faculty for remote working. Thank you team!!!!
Katey Stewart, Mechanical Engineering

Katrina LaCurts

She has been so supportive, understanding, and totally on top of things. Every time an announcement about a development in the crisis would be sent out, Katrina would send us a new plan within a few hours. You're awesome Katrina!
Aaditya Singh

The leadership of the Koch Institute for Cancer Research. (Plus, all the groups you named. Plus MIT leadership.)

It's non-trivial to slow down a research lab - huge impact on students and postdocs and the science. I have been so impressed by how our leaders (under Tyler Jacks) have gone about this - their concern for everyone involved. Also Maria Zuber, Marty and their team who helped guide this effort. Its great for scientists to work in a place where the whole administration so totally understands what scientists do.
Nancy Hopkins