Thank You to These Community Members

The following MIT community members have been recognized for going the extra mile. Thank someone today.
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Mathew Ganatra

Ganatra did an amazing job supporting all of the BC residents during the stressful past week and made sure everyone had a place to store their things. He also put in tons of his own time to run storage and make sure everyone who needed to store items could.
Lila Wine, Course 2

Matthew Ganatra

Ganatra spend over 20+ hrs a DAY to help sort out storage and check out for Burton Conner. Ganatra has prioritized our living group over himself and stepped up to fill in a huge position that MIT couldn’t even done themselves.
Leanne Lin, Undergraduate


Helping people in BC with storage + moving out
Xiaolu Guo, 6-3

Matthew Ganatra

As desk captain, he singlehandedly made sure everyone in our dorm was ready and able to move by supporting everyone with resources to help them move.
Sean Knight, Student


Ganatra is an absolute legend. With little to no help, he pushed his own needs to the side and worked 20 hours a day to ensure that students encountered as little stress as possible when moving out of Burton Conner. He organized and ran checkouts, storage, and any other problem that came up. These are typically tasks that take weeks of planning and involve many student workers. Due to the chaos of the moment, few people were available to help and Ganatra often worked both full time roles simultaneously. It will be an undying inspiration and comfort to know that even while the world was upended around us, one man selflessly focused on ensuring that everything that had to be done would be done.
Trevor Spreadbury, Course 6-3

Mathew Ganatra

He really carried all of Burton Conner through the entire move out and storage process all on his own and still managed to make time for personal connections with others.
Maya Redden, Undergraduate Student

Manolis Kellis

Professor Kellis has been a calm, informative and reassuring voice for our members at the foundation, but also across the Greek speaking world, by volunteering his time on media and group conferencing to help people gain insight into crucial aspects of the pandemic, while dispelling misinformation.
Manos Hatzimalonas, Philotimo Foundation

Juliana Drozd

Juliana really stepped up during these difficult times to act as an advocate for all students, especially those who faced difficulties with housing, food, and storage. She put together a form for members of the EAPS community to provide help for students, and spread that information to anyone who needed it, not just undergraduates in EAPS. She has and continues to put a lot of hard work into maintaining the communities she is a part of. I have been continuously impressed by her compassionate response to this crisis.
Megan Guenther, Course 12 Undergraduate

MIT Architecture staff

A huge thanks to our amazing AO Andreea O'Connell and all of the staff in the department for their response to this crisis, and for taking such care of our student community.
Andrew Scott, Architecture

Course 15 Undergraduate Office

I'd like to recognize Scott, Natalie, and Austin for all the hard work and effective communication during this difficult time. They made sure to reach out to all members of the course 15 community, and keep channels of communication open for anyone who needs help or support. They've also put in thoughtful efforts in ensuring a cohesive community via virtual applications. They exemplify how well MIT faculty consistently support their students online and in person.
Yingni Wang, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering

Lesley Fowler, Larraine Lage, Jenny Haupt; Division of Comparative Medicine

Lesley connected Medical and the Medical Laboratory with Larraine, Jenny, and other DCM staff that might be willing/able to share supplies. Larraine and Jenny responded immediately, and filled a pressing need. Thank you!
Ruth Evensen, Medical

Angela Belcher (BE Dept. Head) and Scott Manalis (BE Associate Head)

Angie Belcher (BE Dept. Head) and Scott Manalis (BE Assoc. Head) have been working tirelessly. There are so many complexities in terms of the needs of members of the Department, and they have been incredibly thoughtful in support of all members of our community. Undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, staff and faculty have all been positively impacted by their care and concern. They have come up with many creative solutions to help, including providing space for storage for the undergraduates, ensuring readily available food for students and postdocs, and sharing resources that can be used for coronavirus testing. Through their very hard round-the-clock work, the Department is running as smoothly as possible under the circumstances, and everyone knows that they have someone they can turn to for support.
Bevin Page Engelward, Biological Engineering

Lauren Anderson

Lauren emailed me after hours to ask if we could move the start date of a recently promoted employee who was also transitioning to TN status, which would require a trip to Canada. She and the employee realized how quickly things were changing and in the middle of the night the employee decided to go to Canada that night. Despite the fact that it was 4AM, she got up, prepared the supporting documents for him and got them to him. He managed to get to the border and adjust his visa status before the border closed today at ~1PM. AMAZING JOB!!
Heather Williams, School of Science

Kim Haberlin

Kim is the heart and soul of the Institute. She somehow coordinates processes that are chaotic by nature, and then communicates the outcomes of these processes in clear, concise, and human ways.
David Randall, Division of Student Life

Leila Kinney

Leila Kinney, Executive Director of Arts Initiatives, has shown incredible leadership during this time. Thank you, Leila!

David Friedrich

David has been like a conductor moving 3300 UG students off campus in a coordinated, compassionate, and efficient way. I am proud to be his colleague.
David Randall, Division of Student Life

Michel Goemans

He is working tirelessly to make sure all instructors and grad students have the support they need to conduct business as usual while we transition to remote work.
Mitchell Harris, Math department

Douglas Weston

In the last few days that I went into lab to finish up some experiments, I've been seeing Doug working--nonstop-- to perform the rampdown of our lab, including organizing supplies, making sure everyone has what they need, and serving as a much-needed constant in my hectic life. Super grateful for his positivity and promptness in this situation!
Evelyn Wong, Synthetic Neurobiology Group, Building 46 (Ed Boyden Lab)

Anne McCants

Thank you Anne for your many hours of selfless contributions on institute committees to respond to COVID-19, your thoughtful and kind responses to the students in your class and to the Concourse community.
Christine Ortiz, MIT DMSE

Kevin Esvelt and Camilo Rojas

Kevin Esvelt and Camilo Rojas have been the leaders that help educate and organize taskforces at MIT Media Lab to handle the situation of COVID 19. They had done tremendous work even before the pandemic to ensure the safety of our community through various online sessions, hackathon, as well developing the guidelines for the Media Lab community. One of the projects that the lead is Saving Face, an initiative that aim at creating a suite of easily scaled technologies to help people fight the pandemic by warning them when they’re about to touch their faces (
Pat Pataranutaporn, MIT Media Lab

Michele Harris

As our Human Resources Administrator, Michele Harris always goes above and beyond. During this crisis, she's been the glue holding the department together. Thank you!
Macall Zimmerman, Chemistry

Support Staff

Support staff have really risen to the occasion, helping students and faculty and instructors move to an on line campus. The new normal would not be possible without my co-workers.
Pam Fradkin, Aeronautics and Astronautics

AKDC Staff

Thank you to all our staff, permanent and temporary, for helping AKDC get ready for the campus closure in a manner that ensures we can still serve our community!
Michael Toler, Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries

Leilani Gilpin (Burton-Conner GRA)

Was a great emotional support to me and the members of B4 during turbulent times and our move out despite also being impacted in many ways.
Maia Mesyngier, Undergraduate (Biology)

Andrea Porras

For being a super human in this turbulent times! Your professionalism and ability to champion so many things is exemplary!
Anonymous , MIT Media Lab

Dave and Pam Mindell

As Heads of House in Edgerton, Dave and Pam have worked incredibly hard for the student residents there. They’ve been out advocates, kept us updated (including frequent Zoom calls), and made the whole experience more manageable.
Patrick McKeen, STAR Lab

Ellen Rushman

Ellen has always been a calming and welcoming presence in the department, but with COVID-19 she has gone above and beyond. Ellen's office door was always open and she worked closely with students to ensure that we could maintain a sense of community during this period of social isolation. Ellen and other staff members organized a final "grab and go" socially distant boxed lunch on Thursday, to give faculty, students, and staff a final chance to say goodbye (in small groups, of course) and she even went as far as to hand write inspiring notes for each box.

The first day of full office closure at MIT, Ellen sent an email to all DUSP students to check-in, send care, and share a photo of her new officemate - her one year-old son.
Anne Calef, Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Norma (Custodial Staff)

Thank you Norma for your positivity and all your energy, even during these challenging times. Your work is very important and we are very grateful for all your efforts to keep the community safe.
Thank you!
Brij, MechE, Bldg. 35

Michael Collins

Thank you Michael for all your help in this challenging time! Michael was extraordinarily responsive and anything we as ExComm wanted in terms of supplies, cleaning, etc. Michael was already a few steps ahead of us and had already implemented it! Micahel has been instrumental in answering residents' questions and maintaining a calm within the community yet calling the residents for action to tackle this together.
Brij Bhushan, Westgate resident

Naomi Carton

Thank you Naomi for your leadership and hard work and taking care of grad student families at this challenging time. Early on, you took steps to bring the ExComm together and draft a response plan and got games for kids, and led getting emergency supplies for the community.
Thank you!
Brij Bhushan, Westgate Resident