Rae Simpson, Ph.D., formerly co-directed MIT's Work-Life Center, where she developed a broad range of initiatives, many of which have won national recognition.
A specialist in communication of research knowledge to the public, Rae created the MIT Young Adult Development Project which gathered and disseminated key findings on young adult development, including brain development, highlighting the unique needs and characteristics of this age group and exploring implications for universities, parents, policymakers, human service providers, employers, and others. Extending this work, she is currently analyzing and disseminating emerging research on brain development and its implications for understanding mental illness.
As chief consultant to the Harvard Parenting Project at the Harvard School of Public Health, with funding from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Rae wrote and published Raising Teens: A Synthesis of Research and a Foundation for Action available at the Raising Teens website.
Rae has consulted on issues in parenting education, parenting and the media, youth development, and research communication to national and international organizations including the World Health Organization, CBS television, National Science Foundation, the United Nations, public television, and major advertising, publishing, and law firms. She is founding chair of the National Parenting Education Network, http://www.npen.org/, a national professional organization for parenting education.
Rae received her Ph.D. in communication research from Stanford University and is the author (under her former name, Rae Goodell) of The Visible Scientists (Boston: Little, Brown, 1977), which explores the relationship between experts and the media, as well as numerous articles in such publications as The New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review, and The Washington Post.
For further information about Rae, please visit www.raesimpson.com.