HR Team

Employee and Labor Relations

Our office is responsible for creating, administering and interpreting MIT's personnel policies, and for training on HR policies and practices. We help to prevent and resolve workplace problems, and we work to ensure the Institute's compliance with legal requirements affecting employment.

Human Resources Officers (HROs) are assigned to the Departments, Labs, Centers, and Institutes (DLCIs) and are both an employee's and a DLCI's primary contact for employment-related issues, both union and non-union.

The Labor Relations group is responsible for labor relations strategy and interpretation for the entire Institute. Working with contacts in the DLCIs, it negotiates, interprets, and administers eight collective bargaining agreements at MIT: the Research, Development, and Technical Employees' Union (RDTEU) – campus and Lincoln Laboratory; the Service Employees' International Union (SEIU) – campus; the Campus Police Association (CPA); Non-Professional Library Employees (AFSCME Council 93) – campus; the Graduate Student Union (United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of American (UE-MITGSU)) – campus; Service Employees' International Union (SEIU) – Lincoln Laboratory; Facilities Service Independent Union (FSIU) – Lincoln Laboratory; and the Lincoln Laboratory Security Officers' Independent Union (SOIU).

HR Technology

Human Resources Officers

MIT's Human Resources Officers (HROs) are part of HR's Employee and Labor Relations area. They have detailed knowledge of MIT's HR policies and practices, and consult with employees, managers, HR professionals in the DLCIs, and Directors of Administration and Finance. Our HROs advise and train on issues affecting work, job performance, annual reviews, training, hiring practices, leaves of absence, discipline, compensation, harassment or discrimination concerns, layoffs, reorganizations, and conflict resolution.

If you're an MIT employee with a question about any HR issue, please contact the Human Resources Officer for your area. 

Find your HRO by department or email lookup.

Learning Services

HR's Learning Services team works to provide a full roster of learning opportunities. Our workshops, programs, coaching, and learning bundles are designed to help all MIT employees gain new skills and grow their careers at MIT. See our learning resources as well as tools for performance and development planning.


Policy and Compliance


We're part of HR's Strategic Talent Management area, which also includes Talent Acquisition and Talent and Career Development

Our role is to highlight the excellence that exists in all areas and job functions across the Institute. Learn about our programs and services.

Contact us:

Strategic Talent Management

HR's Strategic Talent Management area includes Recognition, Talent Acquisition, and Talent and Career Development.

Talent Acquisition

We're part of HR's Strategic Talent Management area, which also includes Recognition and Talent and Career Development.

Apply for open positions at MIT or get help with our application process. Please note that we only able to respond to position- or application-related inquiries when they are sent via our contact form.

For current employees: See our career development services and resources for those who hire.