I'm very excited today to honor members of our community who have been singled out by their colleagues for their outstanding efforts in Serving Our Community. The awards in this category recognize those who have distinguished themselves—not just for their skill and ingenuity in meeting the community's needs—but in anticipating those needs.
The first recipient is actually 10 recipients—The MIT Medical Clinical Response Team.
- Marilyn Donovan, Registered Nurse
- Ketline Edouard, Nurse Practice Manager for Medical Specialties and Covid testing sites
- Colleen Hulme, Registered Nurse
- Anne Marcoux, Nurse Practice Manager, Urgent Care
- Janis Puibello, Associate Chief Nursing, Clinical Quality and Nursing Administration
- Elaine Rancatore, Physician, Urgent Care
- Maura Rowley, Nurse Practice Manager
- Stephanie Shapiro, Chief of Medical Informatics and Population Health
- Jacqueline Sherry, Clinical Service Lead, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Campus Health
- Pauline Yee, Nurse Practice Supervisor
In the very early days of 2020, MIT Medical Director Cecilia Stuopis assembled a committee to prepare for and implement an emergency response to the looming pandemic. These ten doctors and nurses immediately jumped into action—setting up a tent for COVID screening that quickly blew down in a raging wind and rain storm. Nevertheless, they persisted, and persisted, and persisted.
The team fine-tuned and scaled up their efforts, setting up multiple weather-proof screening facilities. Soon, they were testing more than 3,000 people a day. They established separate screening areas for the symptomatic as well as an 80-bed accommodation for those who needed to be quarantined. And they set up a COVID hotline to continually update the community with the very latest information.
The team overcame every challenge with bold, creative solutions, and their efforts are—and continue to be—a brilliant example of how to confidently and safely guide a community through a pandemic.
Congratulations, team! We are grateful for your extraordinary efforts.