Those who are honored with the Excellence Award for Bringing Out the Best have been lauded by their colleagues for their inspiring day-to-day leadership—and for motivating coworkers to grow, embrace change, and be the best that they can be.
Our first honoree is Martine Kalke, Assistant Group Leader in the Secure Resilient Systems group at the Lincoln Laboratory. Martine has earned this award because she actively encourages colleagues to focus on their career paths. In addition, she provides them with the resources they need to achieve career goals.
Martine is an exceptional leader because she considers each individual’s qualities, and also the synergies among teammates. She encourages and supports collaboration—both within existing teams, and by bringing together people who she thinks would inspire and motivate one another. By doing this, she helps everyone build a dynamic network.
Her colleagues say that she is always there for them when they need her most—coaching, asking the right questions, and helping each person recognize unconsidered perspectives. As one person noted, "Thanks to Martine, I have become more self-aware, open, and empathetic—qualities critically important if I am to become the best version of myself. I’ve observed a similar evolution in other leaders who work with Martine."
Martine, thank you for your generosity, your dedication, and your humanity as a leader. Congratulations!