Ruth T. Davis

2017 MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal ceremony
The first awardee is MIT’s Manager for Recycling and Materials Management, Ruth Davis. Chances are you know Ruth, because she is everywhere. She organizes trips to the local recycling plant…so that students can see single-stream recycling in action.
At Ruth’s monthly “Choose to Reuse” meet-ups, members of the MIT community have an opportunity to swap clothes, electronics, books and more. And undergraduates say her expert support has helped them make a success of the Trash to Treasure initiative…through which students can acquire second-hand dorm furnishings and decorations.
Her many admirers say that “Ruth is a visionary who connects, supports, educates and inspires students, staff and faculty to work together toward a zero-waste campus.”
That is an aspiration worth celebrating. I am delighted to present the Sustaining MIT award to Ruth Davis.