Administrative Assistant I
Alumni Association and Resource Development
Sustaining MIT
Award presented by
President L. Rafael Reif

2017 MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal ceremony

The second recipient of the Sustaining MIT award is Stephanie Trembley, of the Office of Resource Development and the Alumni Association.  Inspired by the Environmental Solutions Initiative and the MIT Campaign for a Better World, Stephanie decided that W98 should serve as a model for sustainability at MIT. 

She set up a working group and has overseen the step-by-step implementation of “The Greening of W98” Thanks to Stephanie’s leadership, on a monthly basis, the building now:

  • collects 500 pounds of compostable food
  • saves 2,500 non-recyclable Keurig cups
  • composts:
    • 4,000 paper plates
    • 7,000 napkins and paper towels
    • 7,500 cups, and more than 14,000 spoons, forks and knives

As one of her colleagues wrote, “Thanks to Stephanie and her cheerful yet deliberate dedication to sustainability, we are proud to say we now walk the talk.”

Please join me in recognizing Stephanie Trembley as a recipient of the Sustaining MIT award.