The following MIT community members have been recognized for going the extra mile. Thank someone today.
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Julia Wilcots
Thank you for being an awesome ESAC president!
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS
Patrick Beaudry and Diana Dumit
Thank you for organizing and hosting virtual meetings for your peers to hang out!
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS
Caue Borlina
Thank you for organizing and continuing to run EATS virtually! The seminars have been fun and I've learned a lot from them.
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS
Graduate Student Advisory Group to the Faculty Search Committee
Thank you for organizing virtual meetings, explanatory handouts, and so many opportunities for students and postdocs to give feedback and become involved in an important process.
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS
Margaret Duffy and Sydney Sroka
Thank you for running and coming up with fun activities for virtual cookie hour!
Rohini Shivamoggi, EAPS
Meredith O'Toole
Thank you to Meredith O'Toole for sewing and delivering over 50 homemade face masks for OER staff and their families!
Anonymous, MIT Sloan - OER
LL COVID-19 Task Force
Thank you to the MIT Lincoln Laboratory LL COVID-19 Task Force team for keeping the Lab community informed during these times of uncertainty. It is reassuring to know that the continued safety and well-being of Lab employees is of first and foremost importance. I feel certain that I can speak on behalf of all Lab employees when saying that we appreciate all that you are doing to keep us informed and safe!
Ellen Beachy, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, HR
Virginia Healy-Tangney
Virginia has done a brilliant job piloting a new high touch course for the MBA students this year, and with the stressful transition to the virtual world she has not missed a beat. She continues to build an incredibly strong cohort among her students, her sessions support vulnerability and transparency, and she communicates directly with the students outside the course both individually and through incredibly detailed followup Canvas announcements throughout the week. We have heard glowing reports from students and have been personally impressed as well with her dedication to the student's experience - both before and after the transition to virtual learning - and we couldn't be prouder to support her! We know this work has been stressful for her personally, and want to let everyone know how lucky we are to have her as a Sloanie!
Dawn, Nelson, Tracy, Abby, and Allison, The Leadership Center
Jennie Leith
My trackpad on my laptop decided to just stop working. So, I freaked out and called Jennie to initially report to A/A Help for me. Since I couldn't click on any file to write a message, she thought of using a mouse. Now I'm back in business as you can't do much without being able to click.
Ping Lee, A/A
Rachel Bigler, Community Wellness
Rachel has poured her time, energy, and heart into creating a web, video, and social media presence to help the MIT Community to find virtual opportunities to manage their stress, care for themselves and others, and maintain balance during a very imbalanced time. She has helped new and expecting parents, faculty, staff, and students find the right resource at the right time. Rachel is a rock star.
Zan Barry, Community Wellness at MIT Medical
Lauren Pouchak, OVC, Gus Burkett, DSL, Elizabeth Young, First-Year Advising and all the Student Success Coaches!
Lauren, Gus, and Elizabeth created a massive student coaching program within about a week, and hundreds of amazing student success coaches volunteered from across MIT to support students far and wide. The talent, hard work, and dedication of this group is a perfect example of the best of the MIT spirit.
Zan Barry, Community Wellness at MIT Medical
Chris Durham and the HR/Payroll Team
Thanks to Chris Durham, VPF Assistant Director of HR/Payroll and Merchant Services, for overseeing the payroll process during his team’s transition to remote work. Through his dedication and exceptional effort, he made sure that MIT payroll continued to run without a hitch by streamlining processes and taking special steps to see it through. Terrific job, Chris and HR/Payroll team!
Jennifer Burke, Office of the Vice President for Finance
The clinicians in all of Medical
Thanks to every health care worker at MIT and including the Mental Health clinicians who have been on the front lines day in and day out taking care of all of the MIT community and how you make yourself available to the community for any question they may have. Thank you for the excellent care you provide, but especially in this health crisis. I pray that you stay well and safe. Thank you!
Paulette Wood, Medical
Cari Angellotti, Margie Ferreira, and the Benefits Team
We are very grateful to the Benefits team in Human Resources. Within days, Margie, Cari, and the team transitioned content for new employee orientation into a virtual format. Because of their swift action and thoughtful planning, we did not have to cancel or postpone any sessions. We are fortunate to work alongside colleagues who are so immediately responsive and supportive of our asks, to the needs of this program, and new employees -- both in the past and during these current transitions.
Megan Chester, STM, Human Resources
Christina English
Christina was amazing as we all transitioned from working in W11 and moving our "operations" to home. She was patient, kind, calm and helpful. She's always amazing and in these sad and challenging times, it was a relief to know that she would have the answers we needed or knew who we could contact. She has also begun a "drop in" Zoom room on Friday mornings so we can keep connected as suite mates.
Patricia-Maria Weinmann, ORSEL
Paula Hammond
She really showed great care and concern for the students due to the ongoing circumstances. I really appreciated the calming emails that she sent (even at midnight!) to the department community and making sure that we all can transition nicely as things are changing very fast. Thanks, Paula!
Pushkal Sharma, ChemE
CTL- MITx MicroMasters in Supply Chain Management Team
I want to thank the MITx MicroMasters in Supply Chain Management Team for their passion, dedication, and great effort to deliver a high-touch experience to the thousands of SCx online learners. During the last challenging weeks, the whole team achieved a big milestone, granting certificates to a total of 2,243 credential-holders from 115 countries. This is the best recognition of the impactful work that this team is doing!
Eva Ponce, MIT CTL - Executive Director, MITx MicroMasters in SCM
Jules Rodriguez
Jules has kept us sane during this lockdown, she has been extremely helpful to us in Baker House, and is running the whole front desk position so well. Absolutely grateful she is here and a great person to know.
Anonymous , Baker House Resident
Steve Dimond + June Milligan
I couldn't have asked for two better people than Steve & June to be in charge of Copytech during this time. Keeping us up to date with pertinent information in daily emails, and checking in with us all personally, they have led us confidently and as clearly as one can expect during this, and I cannot thank them enough for being such amazing leaders in our community. Copytech ROCKS!
Allen Veldwisch, Copytech
Steve Carlton, IS&T
Steve has been an incredible resource for VPR and RAS as we've worked to get all of our staff working remotely. He has gone above and beyond, and we really appreciate all of his assistance!!
Carol Wood, VPR
Jocelyn Heywood
I'm so thankful for Jocelyn Heywood, who is an amazing mentor, colleague, friend and neighbor.
Stacy DeBartolo, Arts at MIT
Dylan Girard
Dylan has really been an integral part in my group's success in this transition-to-online for our courses! He is knowledgeable about Zoom, clear in his delivery, and always willing to help. Thanks, Dylan!
Lena Ngor, BPS
Joanne Choi (CSAIL), Maxwell Madzar (CSAIL), and Natalie Wood (ISchO)
Thank you for ensuring that I could start my new position in time. I really appreciate your kindness and responsiveness.
Andreas Kipf, CSAIL
Dylan Girard
Dylan has been a rock for the Sloan School of Management during our transition to online teaching. He has been working incredibly hard every day to help train staff, faculty, and TAs. He constantly helps faculty and staff with troubleshooting problems, and supports our academic area department in getting all of our courses up and running on Zoom. He has been very accommodating, graceful, and immensely helpful to all in our community, whether it be to answer a direct question, create personal tutorials for the academic areas and faculty at Sloan, or helping to run Zoom practice sessions for anyone and everyone who needs it. H4 online teaching has definitely been a success thanks to the huge efforts and support by Dylan!!
Natalia Kalas, BPS Sloan School of Management
Margaret Bryant
Peggy a diligent and caring professional. She chases down (gently) every lead and makes sure that time-sensitive processes are concluded in a highly effective manner. She treats everyone as a special person and is kind in every way. Without her the rush, new postdocs in DUSP would struggle. She is simply a peach of a person.
Amy Glasmeier, DUSP
Maureen Ahern
Maureen was able to help me with a Travel Report effectively in this new virtual report. I greatly appreciated her assistance.
Pam Fradkin, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Michelle Jackson
As a mother with three young children in a household with two working parents, the stress level is certainly high these days. Michelle has gone above and beyond what is typically required of a manager. Her emotional support, open and regular communication style has allowed me to focus on what matters and effectively manage my work. Thank you Michelle for all you do!
Erin Coates, Audit Division
Cam Fox with MIT IS&T
Thanks to Cam for the ongoing support with web servers and for standing up the @2:50 website with speed and confidence. This single action has allowed for a great many people to convene daily.
Arthur Grau, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics
Lisa Thoma
Thank you Lisa for your tireless efforts to keep the CRE staff informed and motivated during these uncertain times. I know this adds to your already busy workload - making it so that you are giving 110% everyday. I hope you remember to take time for yourself and that you enjoy your birthday today. Happy Birthday!
Cheryl Gillespie, Center for Real Estate
David V Merrill
David's always an incredible source of support, but one really cannot overstate his role in the past few weeks. He's available 24/7, extremely thoughtful about things to consider in moving classes to zoom, and always deeply human and caring for everyone he works with. Thanks David!
Daniel Freund, Operations Management, Sloan