The MIT Staff Award for Distinction in Service is one of our newest awards. But in just a few years, it has resonated within our community as a way to spotlight individuals who demonstrate the qualities of kindness, empathy, approachability, humility and selflessness; and who quietly yet effectively engage in building community at MIT.
This year’s recipient has created a positive working environment for an entire building of people. His nomination included no fewer than 36 testimonials from staff, faculty, students and researchers.
The MIT Staff Award for Distinction in Service goes to Diego Arango in the Department of Facilities.
Diego is the daytime custodian for Building 46. Staff in the building say that “the Building 46 community functions as well as it does because we have Diego. He performs his duties quietly, and offers help whenever, wherever, and to whomever needs it.”
But what most of them notice is his kindness—every day, without fail. One colleague said, “He always has a smile on his face and asks me how I am. He has a calm demeanor no matter what, and is a welcome counterpart to the intensity of work at MIT.”
Others say that just a short chat with Diego can leave them feeling happier and less stressed. And they point out that “his kindness is not just a courtesy but an important aspect of his character.”
Diego, you have shown what compassion and positivity can do to lift people’s spirits and build a stronger community. Thank you, and congratulations!